Testimonial: content creation at Double Pass
Double Pass is a Belgian company that assesses and advises football clubs, (con)federations and leagues on optimizing their talent development.
It is their aim to optimize player potential, improve the quality of the game and produce sustainable social & economic football capital. Their experienced sports professionals help to implement tailor–made solutions supported by dashboards and digital solutions.
Why did Double Pass call on The Learning Hub?
Double Pass wants to provide learners with the necessary background information and tools to create a successful football academy for their client’s organization. Their learners are club and academy managers, coaches, performance managers, scouts, career switchers. They are either active (grass roots) or working (professional) in the football industry or active on the labor market with a passion for football. With this in mind, we had to consider that most of these end users have a lot of foreknowledge on the subject.
Given the current learning climate, as well as the international audience for their masterclass, digitalization seemed to be the next logical step, and that’s where The Learning Hub came in. By working together, we wanted to score and make sure that learners have the feeling they can translate knowledge from the masterclass to the specific needs of their organization.
How did we do this?
We came up with a learning path that consists of several (digital) learning materials that the end users can consult at their own pace. We give the end user optimal control of the learning progress by allowing them to consult the modules when it is relevant for them. Not all learning materials may apply to all end users, but we use different learning materials to appeal to a wide range of end users.
The result
We divided the content into small submodules where each topic is discussed individually. This has the advantage that each part of the learning experience can stay very short and that the e-learning can be easily used as a reference tool when the end user wants to look something up afterwards. Furthermore, every e-learning module gives the end user the opportunity to learn more on a subject in a safe but still very recognizable way.
That’s why we worked with realistic cases, rather than just explanatory slides that mention the steps of a process or feature. We also provide the end user with interactive questions and applied the technique of “learning by doing”: we asked learners to match a right club to a different style of play, for example, we showed them videos where they had to define the correct game phases, but also made them think about this new information and apply it to their own club.
After some research worldwide for a professional partner in the field of digital education we have chosen to cooperate with the Learning hub. The mix of science based knowledge regarding the expertise , the agile approach and the openness to adapt to the high demanding world of football, made and still makes the cooperation very fruitful. We can say that the digital education has become a new business pillar @ Double Pass.